Thursday, January 31, 2008

Matt and Marina's last night cont...

These margaritas are good!

Looking at the pictures they were taking of themselves.

Matt and Marina's last night

Matt and Jon after his game.

Lacey, Jon, Matt, and Marina after the game.
This was Matt and Marina's last game before moving back to the north of Germany, where Marina is from.

This is my friend Lauren. We went to school together from 3rd to 8th grade. I hadn't seen her in about 4 years and then we found out we were both living in Europe so we decided to meet up. She is living in Spain, working as a language assistant in a school. She came to visit for the weekend and we went to Nurnburg, Dachau, and Munich.

Dachau Concentration Camp

The Jourhaus was the entrance and exit to the prisoners' camp. The prisoners had to pass through this gate to enter the camp for the first time on their arrival and then march through it daily on the way to the work details. In the recollections of the prisoners this gate house marked the border between the outside world and their imprisonment in the concentration camp.
"Arbeit Macht Frei" means work will set you free.

In the front section of the roll-call area is the monument created in 1968 by Nandor Glid. It is a warning reminder and commemoration of the suffering experienced by all prisoners.

This is inside the bunkers where the prisoners stayed.

Located along the central axis of the camp was the main camp road, along which the barracks were built on both the left and the right.
At the crossing of the camp road and the roll-call area two barracks have been reconstructed. The former location of the other 32 baracksare marked by foundations. The ground plan of the camp, still recognizable today and characterized by its symmetrical alignment and functional divisions, was also used in almost all other concentration camps.

The impression generated by the grounds today does not reproduce the oppressive confinement and density of the barrack facilities: originally designed to hold approx. 6,000 prisoners, the camp was constantly overcrowded in the final years. The Americans liberated over 30,000 people here at the end of April 1945.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wii Bowling Night

Jon and Matt playing tennis.

Matt Bowls a strike.

Jon concentrates on his bowling while Marina and Lacey have some drinks.

We created ourselves on the Wii and here are the scores for one game.

Our New Apartment Cont...

The bathroom

The Kitchen
The refrigerator and freezer are on the left with the cabinet above them.

Our New Apartment

The hallway when you walk in.
The Kitchen is the door on the left.
Our room is the door on the right.
The door straight ahead is our roommates.

This is the hallway the other way. The front door is to the right.

The bathroom is straight ahead.

These last 3 pictures are our room.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Landshuter Christkindle Markt

These are all pictures of inside the Christmas Market.

Landshuter Christkindle Markt

Jon and I in front of the entrance to the Christmas Market.

Matt and Marina


Sebine, me, and Eleke's sister

Downtown with Christmas lights.

More lights downtown.

This is the bridge we walk over to get downtown.

This is the river over that same bridge.

More Thanksgiving

Matt stuffing the Turkey

The turkey and Stuffing are done and they were very good.

Jon's plate of food.


The guest house Matt and Marina lived in.
This is where we had Thanksgiving.

Marina and I making stuffing.

Jon sautéing onions and celery for the stuffing.

Matt getting the turkey ready.